Sophisticated and interesting things to know about winking...
Interesting things to know, wink, wink!
Dear Valued Friend,
How are you doing...
Whammm, bammm thank you mam...ouch...that's gotta hurt.
Lol...don't look now or take it personally but winking at women can be hazardous to your health.
What should I do now, Johni?
Even though this is an example knowing how vulnerable you are, how discouraged you feel guessing...I could easily take advantage of how you feel and start feeding you a bunch of hype.
You know it and I know it.
No matter what level of success you think you're at, you're still making a big mistake.
How do I know?
Because I did the same thing! I was exactly where you're today. I thought I understood women. Knew what they wanted. How they wanted to be contacted. Oh, I was so smart…or so I thought.
But I was flat out wrong.
Then there is the usual song-and-dance, but I wouldn't want that to happen to you, and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want that to happen either, so I shouldn't joke about it because what you're about to uncover is the true power to create attraction.
Well, my main focus is giving you more and more good, practical and common sense information so get your arse of the ground and jump back on the saddle partner, it's important to regain your confidence, move on, don't look back...
Your aim is to stop guessing, it's time to stamp your authority on the situation.
"By the way, a very cool counter offer to being slapped silly is to smile profusely blowing her hot-air imaginary sweet candy kisses, so you'll drive her heart into "fairy like flutter" she'll feel all wobbly at the knees, confused and absolutely crazy with submission for you."
Ha! Ha! Ha! I couldn't help myself... if you believe that, you'd believe just about any cockin' B.S story.
Ok, hope I didn't shock you...but how can I serve you better?'d you like real authority and power over yourself with bold confidence, power over women, and power over just about everything else in your life?
We're going to explore filling in those gaps, your intention (goal, objective, target, purpose, plan or desire) all these words may sound different but the end result is the same.
You might be thinking if this invisible force inside you able to create whatever it is you want?
Your intention is what created you in the first place, therefore it drives you.
If you think about it, you were actually concieved by the very act of intention. Your father's sperm had only one purpose (that's to fertilize), driven to your mother's egg.
Ok enough about biology and reproduction for the moment... I think you get my drift!
At first your intention, this energy surrounds you, then becomes part of your aura as it creates a whole new atmosphere about you...a dimension with profound results and people will sense it.
It's the 'feeling' of being on fire and powerful...and you make things happen easily. Without your intention set, you're like a dead duck floating on won't do very much at all.
Your intention is set in motion by having a focus on an outcome or result that you really want.
How do you set yourself an outcome?
Preferably you make sure it's positively burning inside you with feverish excitement and determine what you want and when you want it and then you go for it!
You can kick start the process by focusing on the end result, yes, by visualizing.
Yeah everyone and their dog talks about visualization, and it's true you do make mental images in your mind. But the missing link is you must think about it until you feel it with a deep level of emotion in order to manifest the energy.
You've got to feel (and believe the end result is unmistakably true) ie; being successful when you visualize, if you don't, you won't get the positive results you want.
You enchance this further by saying positive words, this is bascially what you'd call affirmations because this simple (yet invisible) action sets into motion energy that works favorably for you now and in the future.
For example:
"I want to learn about such and such..."
"I want to understand it really well..."
"I want to ingrain in my unconscious mind the ability to do this now and for the rest of my life..."
"I want to be very skilled at this, that's my intention..."
Now I'm not talking about "wishy-washy" type of'm talking intense concentration.
If you want something to material from nothing (out of thin air) that's an idea in the making, so you've got to create a flash point by giving it immense concentration and focused energy of natural forces because of resistance and gravity to overcome.
You have to focus on the end result until it burns into your inner (subconscious) mind.
This build-up of raw energy, call it concentrated internal pressure, literally forces your mind to jump a spark like from one battery terminal to another releasing a...flash or rush of power.
But of course the time frame is determined by the amount of energy you've applied.
Think of it like when you're traveling in your want to go faster...what do you do?
Well, you put your foot down on the pedal, the more juice you pump into the fuel injectors the greater the flash point and combustion created, the speed is increased and the time in reaching your destination is faster.
In the next series of very important, informative power-packed lessons, I'm here to help you, and together we're going to accomplish the goals that we set forth.
But having said can also screw it up so that it won't work well for you because one of the most powerful keys to intention is to be totally honest with yourself that means not lying.
Even the most seemingly unimportant white lie will have negative effects and prevent you from building momentum.
Think of your intention as a measure of both how clear you are with what you want and how clean your communication is with your own subconscious mind.
What message are you sending your subconscious mind when you lie?
That you do not trust it to bring you what you want?
That you have to manipulate and be out of integrity in order to get what you want?
This clouds your message to your inner-self and slows or even puts a brakes on outcomes from happening.
Your conscious mind is an incredible instrument, its main job is to choose what you want and then your subconscious/unconscious mind goes about bringing you what you want.
Positive or make the choice and set the wheels in motion.
If you want to be a powerful, then set your wheels down on the path of least resistance until you have what you want.
The key is to eliminate anything and everything that is less than truthful as soon as you can.
This includes "white lies", exaggeration, promises you don't intend to keep - you get the picture.
By eliminating the untruths, you'll be able to ask for and get what you want from your inner-self or what is referrred to as your unconscious mind.
You'll use affirmations or words that you say to guide your behavior and action.
Your intention, you'll find will become your attitude, and life will gladly reward you.
I urge you not to waste your time waiting?
If you haven't done so already, it is extremely important that you start reading the lessons that I've given you as well as listening to the audio conversations between myself and my partner.
This is because the package that you received as of now includes the most powerful basic skills that you must absorb in order to understand the rest of the advanced resources.
The one thing that I can't emphasize enough is that while most men are thinking about their next sexual encounter (a huge bonuses as a member) you will be taught to use every single technique as a golden opportunity for more sex...anytime!
Go ahead and read the latest installment of Five Manuals now and I'll give you an update on the rest of the resource library, including the extra added bonuses a.s.a.p.
Thanks and remember the word ease-of-use (it gives you flexibility with a lot of room to swing) because you're always in total control of how wildly you use your tool and how you access the
Keep winning the number crunchin' game...wink, wink.
It's basically seamless as well as to your advantage, get it and reap the rewards but strike when the iron is hot...because whatever you do, get into action fast that way you simply can't fail!
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