Love in "Forgotten Love, Romance and Pleasurable Sex"...Exposed!

Lost love! Not astrology or your usual love magick or in love lyrics! Married? Forgotten love and pleasurable sex, we love the lost art of love in romance, marriage, self-respect, bold confidence. All things men & women desire are drawn effortlessly like a magnet gravitating towards and around, totally captivated. Forgotten love and pleasurable sex is a powerful new you waiting to be free, it's everything you want to experience in love, seduction, attractive qualities that make you unique!

Hello Valued Friend, Thank you, feel free to read, comment, or ask questions...I'm here to help!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Look! There's nothing to buy, and it's all free. You'd probably agree it's worth every cent. First things first, put away your credit cards, I wont be asking you for any money! In fact cut them up, you won't be needing them any more. That's right, if you're a skeptic, just scroll to the bottom of the page and see for yourself...

Love in Romance...Simple mind!

Love in romance
"It's a poor and simple mind that can only spell a word in one way." - Mark Twain -
What is it that makes leadership such a multi-functional an dpowerful tool?
Hello Lifestyler,
There was a time when I thought of 'leadership' as just another opinion.
My experience with a vast number of men is that they tend to be either doormats to their wives and girlfriends, or they’re beating up on them.
I've come to believe that leadership taps into something deep in both the female and in particular the male psyche.
It is a power which seems to be more strongly present in men than in women...
Here's the deal on why women aren't attracted to weak, indecisive and insecure men.

No individual is complete, and at a social level, no society will ever achieve a true state of strength without a basic model.
By the way, (you can check this out against her feelings), because when we successfully repress leaders, we weaken men, so that they’re no longer able to stand up for anything.
Of course, if a man isn't unable to offer any strength to himself or society...
They’re no longer even attractive to the women they sought to please.
STOP! I want you to think about that for a moment.
You now have a simple way of measuring success.

Yep, I've proved this concept with others that I met who asked to share the secrets of my success with them.

But, somehow it seemed they were never satisfied in just hearing a story.

Yeah they wanted all the juicy details...

Today, I will share the same best kept secret!

Are you ready?

As you know, I'm a firm believer in sharing what works with the singular goal of helping you to apply it.

It's all part of my philosophy: do good for others and the universe will reward you 1000 fold.

You see, after trying many and varied "pick-up" techniques, time and time again, I faced a scary realization...

Basically, all you need to know is how specifically women do whatever they do.

To be more specific, in my experience, it's considerably easily to engage in conversation.

In other words, connect on a seemingly "mutual" level because you understand what she wants!

You can use all sorts of physiology that may work for a short time (if at all) and then fizzle out requiring a return trip back to the ever present drawing board.

Listen up, great lovers invariably use some variation of the following strategy:
  1. Here it is in a nutshell, and as a very general rule regardless of where women are, they want to be lead
  2. Leaders will almost always achieve their desired results.

The question is do you think the character trait of a leader is important to you?

Why or why not?

The point is finding one technique that works and staying true to it is the SUREFIRE way to achieving lasting and complete success.

Dare I say it, most women want men who can take care of them and can "fix" their problems.

Let me explain...

I'm sure that most women would agree even though they'd tell you otherwise.

In a woman's terminology, she refers to a man as someone who is strong, in control, and makes decisions.

Look, this is a pretty simple formula that works, but it may sound "out there."

A man is someone who can make decisions and therefore stay in control...

Women feel attraction for men who shows confidence, and has the qualities of a leader.

A leader is a man who is in control of the situation, and who makes decisions and follows through on them WITHOUT needing approval from others.

End of story and thanks for reading.
Love in romance
Hello Valued Friend, Thank you, feel free to read, comment, or ask questions...I'm here to help!

Friday, March 31, 2006

Look! There's nothing to buy, and it's all free. You'd probably agree it's worth every cent. First things first, put away your credit cards, I wont be asking you for any money! In fact cut them up, you won't be needing them any more. That's right, if you're a skeptic, just scroll to the bottom of the page and see for yourself...

Looking for love: Who are you and Who’s selling Who?

Looking for Love
Guess what?
You're probbaly reading the title 'Who are you and Who’s selling Who' and saying:
"Is this dude for real".
Obviously by now, you know women don’t operate logically...
Unbelievable? You better believe it!
---'s the good news and this is for sure, they're predictable :)
If you're a nice guy settling for whatever woman you can get, read this article carefully with both your eyes and ears open...
Hello Friend,
If you’re like me, (god help you, hehehehe) you're on the 'hit list' as the one that women desire!
You want to be known as the guy who gets approval, (women nod their head with a look of excitement and a big smile on their face.)
You don't want to be known as the 'nice' guy, the one doing all the chasing (like most nice guys have to do...that's crap and you know it).

Because most nice guys end up being freaking lonely, desperate and frustrated like hell, wondering why they're running around doing all the work and still not getting any action.
Now I want you to be totally honest with yourself here. NO BS.
Are you the type of guy that has to lower your standards to score dates with chicks...

Listen up, get that engagement ring out of your back pocket, and ditch it.
You don't have to be hoping to 'strike it lucky' with the first woman who treats you good.
Look, let this sink in deep because women want to see the real you...

Simply I ask, who are you?

Are you a phony lick ass guy who she thinks is only 'nice' because he wants something from her.

Are you a real man?
As soon as you understand what I'm about to tell you, you could start attracting new women everyday, week and month.
What would that do for your confidence?
Do you think you deserve to get laid....more often?
Here’s your chance to tap into your god given rights as a male...
Looking for love
Hello Valued Friend, Thank you, feel free to read, comment, or ask questions...I'm here to help!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Look! There's nothing to buy, and it's all free. You'd probably agree it's worth every cent. First things first, put away your credit cards, I wont be asking you for any money! In fact cut them up, you won't be needing them any more. That's right, if you're a skeptic, just scroll to the bottom of the page and see for yourself...

Looking for love: Choose your own relationships...stike it right or burn?

Looking for love
Remember attraction is everything!
Hello Friend,
How are you doing.
Having sexy desirable women and/or the relationship you want is a bit like starting a fire.

Here's your free, yet highly valauble actionable success tip for today.

Let me explain...

Yes, you're wanting to start a 'fire' (sexual tension) with women, right?

OK. You can do it anytime, anyplace, will.

Naturally it takes time and energy, all comes back to attraction.
If you want to share many magic nights of steamy passion with an incredibly hot sexy woman, you want to be in control of your own results...

What do I mean?
You must build a blazing 'fire' of sexual tension, the chemistry between you and her must be something she is feeling beyond her normal range of emotions.
Now if you lack confidence or are impatient, your focus and energy is all over the place.
It's going to be difficult for any women to be interested in you.

Makes sense, do you agree?

In other words, you're changing your mind and your focus goes from one woman to the next.

To stay on target, you must trigger the powerful emotion inside her.
If you're not living your life as you see it, then overhaul your self-image.

There's good news...

Finally, one day an expert in the art of attraction comes to observe what you're doing.

He tells you that you'll never 'start a fire" if you're rubbing her up the wrong way.

You then ask, 'Well, how should I do it?'

The expert tells you to focus your desires and actions on the women or woman you truly, deeply want to be with and hold it there until the 'fire' (attraction) begins.

You follow his savvy wisdom and within a short time she's hot for you and the fire's blazing.

There's a saying, "I'm old enough to know better, but young enough to still do it anyway."

OK, the point of all this is to fan her flames and "stoke the fire"...

It's simple, actionable, effective and REAL!

This is the sexual attraction pattern anyone can follow to succeed.

As you may have already figured this out, one more tip for the day is don't ever try to guess a woman's age, no matter how hard she pushes or tries to trick you into doing it.

You're guaranteed to come off second best.

If you guess she's too old, she'll be pissed off.

Don't make the mistake of guessing way too young because this put's her on the defensive side.

She will know you're guessing young because you think she is old, and this will also make her mad.
I know it doesn't sound logical...just remember one thing.
Women are not logical, they're emotional creatures.

The best way around it is to say something to the effect of:

"I feel you're the kind of woman who looks great at every age."

She will be so flattered, stunned and pleased at your response that she'll drop the whole age question and perhaps even buy you a drink.

The best way to do it is for you to make the sparks happen, go with the natural chemistry and then pump up the volume...
Thanks for reading, I appreciate you.
Looking for love
Hello Valued Friend, Thank you, feel free to read, comment, or ask questions...I'm here to help!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Look! There's nothing to buy, and it's all free. You'd probably agree it's worth every cent. First things first, put away your credit cards, I wont be asking you for any money! In fact cut them up, you won't be needing them any more. That's right, if you're a skeptic, just scroll to the bottom of the page and see for yourself...

Love in Romance...The Power Of Your Subconscious

Communicate with confidence
Listen up, I really don't know what your ideal woman or date is but I do know you want to know something extraordinary.
So what's stopping her?
Sit back and relax as I explain this phenomena and how it works a little further...
Hello Friend,
How are you, have I got a special treat for you or what?
Oh...I forgot to tell you, there's a special surprise towards the end of this article, but I won't tell you.
You betcha' bottom dollar...
"Discover The Power Of Your Subconscious To Ignite Her Passion the Lazy Way"
You've probably thinking it would be great to be able to persuade a woman's subconscious mind to do something, would you agree?
Like heck, why would you want to do that?
Hmm, just maybe her conscious mind will usually follow.
Did you catch on to that revelation...
The results have been STUNNING!
Wow! This is true even if her conscious mind (thoughts) disagrees with her subconscious.
For example:
She may make a conscious choice to say no and not go out on a date with you until her subconscious mind suddenly imagines herself meeting and talking to the "guy of her dreams."
If you've been reading this blog for any length of time, I've revealed this to you and you've most likely experienced that same pattern thousands of times.
I mean a simple idea can turn into something AMAZING!
No big deal, right?
Her subconscious mind changed her conscious mind's decision not to go out on a date with you.
Now hold on to your hat, and stick with me here this is where it gets really interesting...
Remember this very clearly...!
How many times have you bought something that logically you knew you could not afford, but subconsciously you imagined the pleasure and positive emotions you would receive as a result of buying?
Do you see the power of this in action?
This means her subconscious mind can be persuaded by many things like visuals, imagination, rhythm, repetition, emotions, etc.
(Guess what...she is just as excited about it as you.)
You see, the conscious mind usually deals with logic, words, numbers, problem solving, etc.
You may not realize it but her subconscious mind is being influenced by the way you talk to her, the words you use, how you move and express yourself.
Whatever her subconscious mind is focused on it will believe, whether it's real or false.
In other words...
Listen closely:
  1. Her subconscious mind isn't choosy.
  2. It accepts any information directly or indirectly through the five senses and stores it.
  3. (The subconscious even records background noises, conversations and visuals you're not even aware of.)
So, that's why she is no different from you.
Now you know why its important in your communications to use strong words that paint pictures (descriptive words) and you must be confident.
Act as if you're already the "guy of her dreams" ...
Remember your main goal is to bypass her conscious mind and persuade her subconscious mind so her subconscious "desire and passion" for you will win over her conscious thoughts.
Then her conscious decisions follow your subconscious, get it!
I thought so...yeah (you're shocked and completelyout of breath because it's the "LAZY" way to turn her passion on.
Now go out, have fun and conquer her "conscious with your confidence."
Thanks for reading, talk to you soon...
Communicate with confidence
Hello Valued Friend, Thank you, feel free to read, comment, or ask questions...I'm here to help!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Look! There's nothing to buy, and it's all free. You'd probably agree it's worth every cent. First things first, put away your credit cards, I wont be asking you for any money! In fact cut them up, you won't be needing them any more. That's right, if you're a skeptic, just scroll to the bottom of the page and see for yourself...

Love in Romance...Communicate with confidence and think like a straight shooter!

Communicate with confidence

"Confidence is the foundation that allows success to flourish." -John Mignano -

If you've confidence in your life, women will respond very positively to you, which gives you more confidence in your love life.

My point is confidence applies to everything in life...

Hello Friend,

How are you doing...

Thanks for reading today's hot article.

What if you started thinking and believing that every women is attracted to you?

Sounds crazy...

Please feel free to share this "insider info" with others.

Would it work?

The only reason I'm sharing this is because I value you and your success as part of my inner circle of subscribers.

So you know it works like gangbusters, (he he he) but if you're skeptical.

Read the fine print at the bottom of this page and unsubscribe :-)

Here's a true story, (short, but mmmm so sweet)...

One day I was at the local mall looking for a new pair of pants, I like the ones that wrap a little bit tight arounf my thighs...because I've noticed there's always a lot of female interest.

I started to look at every woman who went by, in fact there's plenty of hot beautiful babes walking around...

But, there was one who grabbed my eye balls and tongue's attention, so I decided to do something I've not done for quite a while.

Let me ask you a question:

"What is the NUMBER ONE secret to pick-up/dating success?"

People are throwing out all kinds of responses.

But I'll bet it's not what you think of first...

The answer, is CONFIDENCE!

Yep, so I'm thinking I was God's gift to Women!

Now I'm not one for bragging but I think like this all the time.

Do you wanna know why?

Acting confident and picky (in a smart way) about women is a self-fulfilling thought!

Everything about this way of communication spells....confidence.

Your body language and posture to the way you walk is different, you approach and talk differently.

Yeah, just about everything is different in some way or another and it doesn't feel phony!

So I maintained eye contact with these women with my naughty stare and smile of confidence that said: "I can give you the most pleasurable time of your life" baby!

Needless to say this is a real charmer and attraction creating technique and it made all the other gals look....I used a real world example to illustrate my point.

What do you think happened next?

If you don't have a high level of confidence in your ability to succeed with women, then you must beg, borrow, or steal if you've any chance of meeting your dream girl.

What I suggest is focuse on things like improving your confidence, step-by-step!

Thanks for reading, I appreciate you.

Good night, I've got a date with a cutie and some intimate love making :-)

Communicate with confidence
Hello Valued Friend, Thank you, feel free to read, comment, or ask questions...I'm here to help!

Monday, January 30, 2006

Look! There's nothing to buy, and it's all free. You'd probably agree it's worth every cent. First things first, put away your credit cards, I wont be asking you for any money! In fact cut them up, you won't be needing them any more. That's right, if you're a skeptic, just scroll to the bottom of the page and see for yourself...

Love in Romance...Thanks for checking out this valuable list of interesting and relevant links!

Love in Romance
Dear Friend,

Thanks to you all for your valuable time and support, your much appreciated.

Everyone has been asking to add their link, which is positively growing as a result of many friends kindly wanting to help out readers of this blog. A great deal of information and valuable resources awaits you...enjoy, and have fun.

  • Love in Romance
    Hello Valued Friend, Thank you, feel free to read, comment, or ask questions...I'm here to help!

    Sunday, November 06, 2005

    Look! There's nothing to buy, and it's all free. You'd probably agree it's worth every cent. First things first, put away your credit cards, I wont be asking you for any money! In fact cut them up, you won't be needing them any more. That's right, if you're a skeptic, just scroll to the bottom of the page and see for yourself...

    Love in Romance...Do you really know how to frustrate women?

    Love in Romance
    "My biggest problem is what to do about all the things I can't do anything about."
    - Ashleigh Brilliant -

    In a world vastly filled with all sorts of energy...that spark, that chemistry, and that feeling of pure lust begins in the form of thoughts and emotions.

    When highly charged people search for 'sexy play mates' to interact with...

    You're either wanting to register a stimulating connection, be it visual or physical, right?

    Because women instantly pick up on what you're feeling inside. If your touch is light, chances are you'll not connect well.

    If your touch has plenty of sexual charge, but it's put together in the wrong way, you'll probably bomb out, too.

    So what's a horny man to do?

    Dear Lifestyler,

    How are you doing...thanks for participating in today's hip shooting discussion, you're much appreciated.

    Do you have something puzzling you?

    Do you get nervous when you even think about approaching a women?

    What's bugging you or troubling you?

    Here's your chance to spill your guts and maybe get an answer to your question.

    Ok..."Do you really know how to frustrate a woman?


    To discover the answer read on...

    Let's dive right in, but before you go any further, let me ask you a personal question.

    Are you afraid to hurt a woman's feelings and/or disappoint her?

    Firstly, it's all in the connection, and it's the kind of mindset that's going to win you hearts, plenty of sexual encounters, short or long term relationships.

    The reason why I'm asking is because when you meet a woman who is attracted to you, if you put off the inevitable, you'll end up playing stupid games (and then making up excuses to why you couldn't get it together)...

    I mean you've got your eye on this cutie, she's hot and attractive, but are you making her wait in anticipation on your first move...

    Now creating sexual tension can be a good thing, of course it all depends on your expectation, the belief that this woman is attracted to you.

    If you give her the opportunity to spend time with you, then you must expect her to seize that opportunity.

    She'll pick up on this belief, translate it to confidence, and feel attraction for now you've got her steaming with desire...

    Your antena is up and she's picking-up these signals from you!

    Sound familiar?

    Basically if you're not making the first move, you're telling her: "I'm in doubt so I'll hold back from doing anything physical with you (ie; touching, holding hands, or kissing) because I'm not sure if you like me or not?

    If you're thinking like this, don't worry, you're not alone.

    Let me explain...

    You see, a lot of men feel exactly like they're trapped in a role that seems out of their control.

    Its like a balancing act...

    They're juggling the ball trying to be nice, funny and sexy all at the same time.

    They're afraid to initiate contact because they aren't sure and in turn, she picks-up on this and begins to wonder if you're really attracted to her because you won't initiate contact...

    This drives her crazy!


    Well, most women look to a man for leadership, and they want to have fun, lol.

    Yeah, just a cliche' huh.

    There's truth in it though, especially when her man is exciting, and isn't afraid to "break loose."

    If you don't break loose, what you wind up with is a really hot woman looking else where for some action because she's frustrated!

    She's waiting, and silently begging you to do something.

    Usually, she won't initiate physical contact with you unless you make the first move.

    Some guys just don't get it, they take weeks, even months before they realize they're leaving the woman they're attracted to...frustrated.

    She might be even be considering or ready to move on because she's pissed off.

    The solution to all of this is actually really simple...

    In fact, its easy to understand how much a woman who is really attracted to you wants you to touch can feel her energy.

    Whenever you meet a woman you're attracted to, you want to begin touching her from the very beginning, because touching creates and enhances the power of attraction.

    Touching her (in a non-threatening, fun way) lets her know your interaction is about sexual attraction, and its not about being her friend...

    I mean her friend as in a platonic way.

    There's a difference between a man who's a friend and one that's good with women.

    The man who's good with women instantly makes the sexual connection one of interaction and creates a strong attraction, while the unsure friendly man creates doubt, (wondering if she likes him) before he's confident to bust loose.

    (When you meet a woman, go straight for her

    Give her a heart warming smile, look at her right in the eyes, and let her feel your presence.

    Then shake her hand, introduce yourself and let her know its all about an exchange of energy...

    When you sit down and talk, eye contact is good and when she laughs, take her hand and then lightly touch her wrist, when she responds positively...

    Then you deliberately move your hand slowly up towards her arm and touch her shoulder.

    Then take her hand and hold it.

    In fact, you can usually feel her sense of relief because she knows you're not there to play games and frustrate the heck out of her.

    Like you, she doesn't want to be feeling doubt or wondering, waiting for weeks before you make a move.

    Believe me, this mindset instantly puts you in a league of your own because she sees you in a different light.

    A positive light of attraction...

    You make the moves, lead her, and she'll follow.

    She'll be thankful you're not going to frustrate her.

    This puts you in control: "I'm going to gently, yet firmly lead the attraction".

    You don't have to do anything taht makes her to feel pressured.

    If she pulls back from an intimate touch, then that's ok, just pull back for a moment, then move gently forward so she can surrender to you, because she wants to be with a confident man.

    She likes you, so what's the worse thing that can happen?

    Just remember she does like you, and she is scared of rejection too, so take the attitude that she's the one who's concerned about whether or not you like her.

    So be cool, and let her pick-up on the fact that you're not at all worried if she's attracted to you or not...

    This my friend, is the rebel attitude that she finds very attractive and comforting to her.


    She knows you aren't nervous or awkward, you're confident and firm with her.

    As long as she's engaged with you, she's interested...make sense?

    Even if she pushes you away, you know it's just a tease to see how you'll react.

    Now this is a good time to breifly pull away (build up the sexual tension), gradually turn up the volume (amp it back up) to what you were doing before...

    But this time...gently yet firmly, pull her towards you.

    Look, the thing to remember is; if she likes to spend time with you, there's no doubt if she likes you or not, stop wondering and go for it.

    She wants to hit it off don't be afraid to touch and kiss her.

    What you expect to happen, will happen.

    Good sex begins in your mind, go out and celebrate the rewards of your new found confidence.

    Just be yourself, take action, enjoy and have fun...

    Love in Romance