Love in "Forgotten Love, Romance and Pleasurable Sex"...Exposed!

Lost love! Not astrology or your usual love magick or in love lyrics! Married? Forgotten love and pleasurable sex, we love the lost art of love in romance, marriage, self-respect, bold confidence. All things men & women desire are drawn effortlessly like a magnet gravitating towards and around, totally captivated. Forgotten love and pleasurable sex is a powerful new you waiting to be free, it's everything you want to experience in love, seduction, attractive qualities that make you unique!

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Friday, March 31, 2006

Look! There's nothing to buy, and it's all free. You'd probably agree it's worth every cent. First things first, put away your credit cards, I wont be asking you for any money! In fact cut them up, you won't be needing them any more. That's right, if you're a skeptic, just scroll to the bottom of the page and see for yourself...

Looking for love: Who are you and Who’s selling Who?

Looking for Love
Guess what?
You're probbaly reading the title 'Who are you and Who’s selling Who' and saying:
"Is this dude for real".
Obviously by now, you know women don’t operate logically...
Unbelievable? You better believe it!
---'s the good news and this is for sure, they're predictable :)
If you're a nice guy settling for whatever woman you can get, read this article carefully with both your eyes and ears open...
Hello Friend,
If you’re like me, (god help you, hehehehe) you're on the 'hit list' as the one that women desire!
You want to be known as the guy who gets approval, (women nod their head with a look of excitement and a big smile on their face.)
You don't want to be known as the 'nice' guy, the one doing all the chasing (like most nice guys have to do...that's crap and you know it).

Because most nice guys end up being freaking lonely, desperate and frustrated like hell, wondering why they're running around doing all the work and still not getting any action.
Now I want you to be totally honest with yourself here. NO BS.
Are you the type of guy that has to lower your standards to score dates with chicks...

Listen up, get that engagement ring out of your back pocket, and ditch it.
You don't have to be hoping to 'strike it lucky' with the first woman who treats you good.
Look, let this sink in deep because women want to see the real you...

Simply I ask, who are you?

Are you a phony lick ass guy who she thinks is only 'nice' because he wants something from her.

Are you a real man?
As soon as you understand what I'm about to tell you, you could start attracting new women everyday, week and month.
What would that do for your confidence?
Do you think you deserve to get laid....more often?
Here’s your chance to tap into your god given rights as a male...
Looking for love


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