Love in "Forgotten Love, Romance and Pleasurable Sex"...Exposed!

Lost love! Not astrology or your usual love magick or in love lyrics! Married? Forgotten love and pleasurable sex, we love the lost art of love in romance, marriage, self-respect, bold confidence. All things men & women desire are drawn effortlessly like a magnet gravitating towards and around, totally captivated. Forgotten love and pleasurable sex is a powerful new you waiting to be free, it's everything you want to experience in love, seduction, attractive qualities that make you unique!

Hello Valued Friend, Thank you, feel free to read, comment, or ask questions...I'm here to help!

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Look! There's nothing to buy, and it's all free. You'd probably agree it's worth every cent. First things first, put away your credit cards, I wont be asking you for any money! In fact cut them up, you won't be needing them any more. That's right, if you're a skeptic, just scroll to the bottom of the page and see for yourself...

There are 2 reasons why it's important that you take control of your environment!

"A life of reaction is a life of slavery, intellectually and spiritually. One must fight for a life of action, not reaction."-Rita Mae Brown-

Dear Valued Friend,

Thanks for your valuable time, you're much appreciated.

There are 2 reasons why it's important that you take control of your environment:
1. Living in a state of chaos saps your energy. It's depressing, which lowers your energy level to begin with, and whatever you're trying to do, you can't find what you need to do it..

That wastes even more energy in hunting for things you want to use, and causes deep frustration and annoyance with yourself when you can't find them.

If your home environment's like this, it can cause conflict with other family members or reluctance to invite your friends around.

if your work environment's the same, it cuts your productivity and gets you into trouble. Either way, it badly hurts your image of yourself;

2. It makes you feel completely disempowered. As long as it seems to be a task too great for you to put right, it's controlling you. It makes you feel as if you're helpless in the face of it – and that causes tremendous, and continuing, damage to your self-esteem.

After all, how can you believe you can tackle all the things you have or want to do if your opinion of yourself's so low that you believe you can't even sort out the chaos of the room you're in? Well, now for another piece of good news.

Not only can you put the situation right, but the moment that you start to do you'll begin to take control of your environment – all the aspects of your environment.

That means your home, your work environment, and all the world around you, including your relationship.

What's more, you can treat the whole thing as an enjoyable adventure, one that can give an even greater boost to your confidence and self-esteem.

First, take a look you have a problem with the clutter in the first place?

Ask yourself: "how would you actually like your room to be?" Picture it in your mind.

What do you want it to look like if you hadn't all that clutter to contend with?

Would you move the furniture around, paint the walls another color, put a different texture on the ceiling, or get another carpet...

Do you actually like the room (the uncluttered version of it, that is) just the way it is?

The moment you've made that decision, you've put yourself in the drivers seat back in command ready to take control.

Simply removing clutter for it's own sake's has no value and besides its a boring shit job.

Getting rid of clutter now because you've a vision of the room the way you want to see it's quite another matter.

Now you're being focused on the task at hand doing something that's creative, something towards a goal you want to reach....this is a great disipline that carries over into other areas too.

It's your choice...but you knew that already so make a firm commitment to spend a set amount of time on actively achieving, recahing and doing your goals each day.

You also know that one of the main reasons why visualization is so powerful is because it helps you to organize your mind.

Having said that you decide on when you want to do it (might I suggest, when you've awaken or after you've had your evening meal and before you settle down to go to sleep).

Now back to removing the clutter issue. If you find you're enjoying it (you'll be surprised just how empowering an experience this is) you'll probably want to spend more time, that's fine.

Be absolutely ruthless with the stuff you find.

Everything that's lying around has to be oraganized and have a proper place found for it, or place it in storage out of sight or last resort, sell or throw it out because its not being of benefit.

It doesn't matter what it is, it has to justify it's continuing place in your life and your environment. Your self-esteem depends on it. Go for it!

Forgive and forget, move on and let's important to absorb this lesson because you've got to stop judging yourself and others (and if you haven't, you might want to re-read this again).

The chances are you still have a few deep rooted feelings which takes a lot more of your away giving power and authority to others.

In fact it takes far more effort to resist forgiving people who have hurt you than resisting it, yes this isn't an easy thing to do but your leap of faith is a reward that will liberate your soul.

Ok, I'm starting to sound like a preacher...but you get my drift dude!

Often, in the first place it's being hurt by someone that has caused a gaping big hole to exist.

You then force yourself into a corner, disrepect and dissociate (become distant or seperate) from yourself with a lack of self-esteem and sometimes it can almost seem like a betrayal of yourself to let the hurt and anger continue to ruin your life.

You already know thats true from your own life experience before you learned that lesson.

That's a very understandable way to feel but it won't ever make you happy.

In fact, the longer you go on giving hurt yourself and giving anger room to grow from within your heart, the deeper you can be drawn into hatinf yourself.

And you certainly don't need that stress in your life...the more it will spread unhappiness.

Trust me, your days will get darker and you'll like shit knowing you can be a lot happier.

If you want to like yourself, be happy and have true self-confidence, the biggest, most effective step that you can take is to forgive, completely and forever, everyone who's ever hurt you.

It takes a real man with a big (rebel yell) attitude to stand up and be counted, but happiness and bitterness cannot co-exist together. Whichever one you focus on will overcome the other.

Listen, whoever's was small enough to hurt you, did it to hurt themselves...your no longer living in the past, so step into the moment and live for now.