Love in "Forgotten Love, Romance and Pleasurable Sex"...Exposed!

Lost love! Not astrology or your usual love magick or in love lyrics! Married? Forgotten love and pleasurable sex, we love the lost art of love in romance, marriage, self-respect, bold confidence. All things men & women desire are drawn effortlessly like a magnet gravitating towards and around, totally captivated. Forgotten love and pleasurable sex is a powerful new you waiting to be free, it's everything you want to experience in love, seduction, attractive qualities that make you unique!

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Monday, April 10, 2006

Look! There's nothing to buy, and it's all free. You'd probably agree it's worth every cent. First things first, put away your credit cards, I wont be asking you for any money! In fact cut them up, you won't be needing them any more. That's right, if you're a skeptic, just scroll to the bottom of the page and see for yourself...

Love in Romance...Simple mind!

Love in romance
"It's a poor and simple mind that can only spell a word in one way." - Mark Twain -
What is it that makes leadership such a multi-functional an dpowerful tool?
Hello Lifestyler,
There was a time when I thought of 'leadership' as just another opinion.
My experience with a vast number of men is that they tend to be either doormats to their wives and girlfriends, or they’re beating up on them.
I've come to believe that leadership taps into something deep in both the female and in particular the male psyche.
It is a power which seems to be more strongly present in men than in women...
Here's the deal on why women aren't attracted to weak, indecisive and insecure men.

No individual is complete, and at a social level, no society will ever achieve a true state of strength without a basic model.
By the way, (you can check this out against her feelings), because when we successfully repress leaders, we weaken men, so that they’re no longer able to stand up for anything.
Of course, if a man isn't unable to offer any strength to himself or society...
They’re no longer even attractive to the women they sought to please.
STOP! I want you to think about that for a moment.
You now have a simple way of measuring success.

Yep, I've proved this concept with others that I met who asked to share the secrets of my success with them.

But, somehow it seemed they were never satisfied in just hearing a story.

Yeah they wanted all the juicy details...

Today, I will share the same best kept secret!

Are you ready?

As you know, I'm a firm believer in sharing what works with the singular goal of helping you to apply it.

It's all part of my philosophy: do good for others and the universe will reward you 1000 fold.

You see, after trying many and varied "pick-up" techniques, time and time again, I faced a scary realization...

Basically, all you need to know is how specifically women do whatever they do.

To be more specific, in my experience, it's considerably easily to engage in conversation.

In other words, connect on a seemingly "mutual" level because you understand what she wants!

You can use all sorts of physiology that may work for a short time (if at all) and then fizzle out requiring a return trip back to the ever present drawing board.

Listen up, great lovers invariably use some variation of the following strategy:
  1. Here it is in a nutshell, and as a very general rule regardless of where women are, they want to be lead
  2. Leaders will almost always achieve their desired results.

The question is do you think the character trait of a leader is important to you?

Why or why not?

The point is finding one technique that works and staying true to it is the SUREFIRE way to achieving lasting and complete success.

Dare I say it, most women want men who can take care of them and can "fix" their problems.

Let me explain...

I'm sure that most women would agree even though they'd tell you otherwise.

In a woman's terminology, she refers to a man as someone who is strong, in control, and makes decisions.

Look, this is a pretty simple formula that works, but it may sound "out there."

A man is someone who can make decisions and therefore stay in control...

Women feel attraction for men who shows confidence, and has the qualities of a leader.

A leader is a man who is in control of the situation, and who makes decisions and follows through on them WITHOUT needing approval from others.

End of story and thanks for reading.
Love in romance